Wallets & Withdrawals

Census Markets has a total of Five wallets: Fund, , Revenue, Active & Passive wallets.. These wallets facilitate deposits, withdrawals, and both internal and external transfers within CryoFx accounts.

Shape Your Future


  • Fund
    Users can deposit funds from their crypto wallets to their Census Markets accounts using the Fund wallet. We offer the most user-friendly and convenient deposit and withdrawal options.
  • Census Markets
    Census Markets wallet or wallet is primarily used for transferring the funds between the registered users of Census Markets, through this the user can make hassle free transactions at a low transfer fee from the sender end.
  • Active
    Your whole Matching and referral money is often kept in an active wallet. This wallet will show all of your network marketing commissions and bonuses.
  • Passive
    Your daily profits on your investments are reflected in your passive wallet, which is your total Return on Investment (ROI).
  • Revenue
    Your assigning profits from your referrals will be reflected in your revenue wallet.


Profit Withdrawal (Passive Wallet)

Every 5th and 20th

As per Delaware Timing (GMT-5)

2:30 am - 6:30am | 9:30am - 12:30 PM

Minimum Withdrawal $14

Fees 8%

Bonus withdrawal (Active Wallet)

Every Wednesday

As per Delaware Timing (GMT-5)

2:30 am - 6:30am | 9:30am - 12:30 PM

Minimum Withdrawal $14

Fees 8%